…and that’s a wrap

Back in August, I took on a fun and unique challenge, committing to photograph myself every teacher work day for the 18-19 school year. My original intention was to document my first full year teaching, for myself. I had no idea how many of you would come to appreciate and respond so favorably to my photos, logging in daily to social media to see my update. Thank you for following along! As the 18-19 school year has come to a close, it is time for me to reflect, as well as share what the future holds for this English teacher.

The school year started off strong, back in August, with staff preparing for our students to return. Once quarter one kicked off, I continued to support the Goal site out in Craig (virtually), while rotating between the campuses in Greeley and Loveland. This rotation was a schedule I would maintain all year. In quarter one, I taught three course (in our online platform, Schoology): Gladiator Connect (our on-boarding class), Gladiator Math, and Gladiator Reading. These last two courses served to support students as they transitioned back to school, post summer. They were tailored to each student’s individual needs and covered basic math skills, as well as reading comprehension.

Quarter one also held a brief trip out to Craig, so that I could spend time with the staff and students there, in person. It was a positive and uplifting time! I am so grateful for the incredible colleagues I get to partner with daily, across the Northern Region of Colorado.

Quarter two launched into our core academic courses, with me teaching six English sections (10A, 10B, 11A, 11B, 12A, and 12B). These six classes would be the majority of my load for the remainder of the year. It was originally a bit daunting, being assigned this many preps. However, quarter two stretched and grew me in so many ways. During this time-frame, Joey and I learned that we were expecting our baby. It was so exciting to learn this news and we looked forward to the day we felt comfortable sharing with everyone we loved! (Cue hiding my ever-growing belly bump in daily photos).

Coming back from Christmas Break we began quarter three and I took on a new responsibility, leading the Academic Guidelines Committee for the Northern Region. Coordinating and hosting regular meetings, sending out staff surveys, and consolidating group ideas scared me at first. This experience was so far outside of my comfort-zone. I am beyond thankful however, for the opportunity my principal provided, as it was empowering in many ways.

Quarter four was bitter-sweet, as the realization came that the year was winding down. Some of my dearest students were on trajectory to graduation and stress-levels and tensions were naturally high for everyone. In this most difficult portion of the year, teams I am blessed to be apart of, came together to support one another and bond, like never before. On March 30th, we shared publicly that we were expecting our little bundle of joy! The outpouring of love and excitement from others, meant the world to us. (This also meant it was time to start showing off my belly bump in my daily photos!)

On June 8th I celebrated alongside, staff from five of the Northern Region locations at Goal Academy High School’s Greeley graduation ceremony. This marked the end of my duties, as a teacher for 18-19 school year.

So, what’s next? Well, this summer I intend to spend time settling into our new home. A huge part of that will be preparing for our little one’s arrival in August. I will return to work July 31st and will participate in training sessions for several weeks, while also preparing my courses for the fall. I am beyond blessed with a supportive group of colleagues who have committed to supporting me during maternity leave and the weeks of transition back to work.

The school year ahead will no doubt be different than the one that just ended. I am certain however, that it will be just as impactful and growth-filled as I add the title of mother to my ever-growing list of names. I do not know how I will choose to chronicle the 19-20 school year, but stay tuned on social to see our little family grow and learn together.

If you would like to help us prepare for the arrival of our little one and the new season ahead, our baby registry can be found here.

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